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The Technology Department at the Montrose Area School District consists of a talented group of people dedicated to supporting our classrooms and educational mission by providing and supporting existing and emerging technologies to empower learning.  These last few years have been extremely challenging, but we have also been able to creatively leverage technology in new and successful ways that will benefit us moving forward.

  • All students at MASD are issued a Chromebook along with their other class materials.
  • Every MASD classroom now has interactive LCD displays and a variety of other instructional technology tools.  
  • Students use the Meteor Launchpad to access a custom set of learning applications that compliment their classroom activities.
  • Our new student information system, Focus, provides a centralized portal for teachers, students and parents for grades, attendance, communication, discipline, scheduling and much more.
  • The team is here to support parents, community, teachers, staff and students.  You can get help in several easy ways.
    • Visit our HelpCenter to submit a ticket, access our knowledgebase and track your open issues.
    • Call our Tech Support Hotline at 570-278-6243
    • Email - a ticket will be generated and a technician assigned to assist you.
Mr. Owens

Craig Owens
Director of Technology

PHONE: 570-278-6239

Mrs. Casey

Chris Casey
Technology Integration Specialist

PHONE: 570-278-6248

Terri Evans

Theresa Evans
Data Specialist

PHONE: 570-278-6230

M. Shareef

Muhammad Shareef
Network Manager

PHONE: 570-278-6261

Photo of Nick Coy

Nick Coy
District Technician